06 March, 2015

New Post has been published on http://newstrics.com/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-5-premieres-in-april/ My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic: Season 5 premieres in April By press release channel Discovery Family, it was revealed that the fifth season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (The Magic of Friendship) will premiere at the successor Hub channel Channel on April 4. The appointment time will be at 10 am (Central...
New Post has been published on http://newstrics.com/avengers-age-of-ultron-marvel-releases-third-movie-trailer/ Avengers - Age of Ultron: Marvel releases third movie trailer For several days through their social networks, Marvel Entertainment and the official site of the film, have released a series of photos, posters and two new trailers Avengers: Age of Ultron , one of the most anticipated films of this 2015. The second...

05 March, 2015

New Post has been published on News Gaze New Post has been published on http://newsgaze.com/2015/03/05/cartoon-network-finally-the-argentine-feed-detached/ Cartoon Network: Finally the Argentine feed detached Finally, after comings and goings, the Argentine independence feed generic with respect to the signal of Cartoon Network Starting this morning with Club Boomerang in its new schedule of 6 am, following the inclusion of Cartoon...
New Post has been published on News Gaze New Post has been published on http://newsgaze.com/2015/03/05/ben-10-omniverse-new-episodes-on-cartoon-network/ Ben 10 Omniverse: New episodes on Cartoon Network After six seasons on the air, Cartoon Network premiered the seventh installment Latin American animated series Ben 10 Omniverse Monday through Friday between the hours of block time Ben 10. In this new and penultimate...

04 March, 2015

Android powered devices can become gamepad for Android TV http://newsgaze.com/2015/03/03/android-powered-devices-can-become-gamepad-for-android-tv/ Android powered devices can become gamepad for Android TV http://newsgaze.com/2015/03/03/android-powered-devices-can-become-gamepad-for-android-tv/...

28 February, 2015

Last Round and how basically devour accessories http://newstrics.com/last-round-and-how-basically-devour-accessories/ Last Round and how basically devour accessories http://newstrics.com/last-round-and-how-basically-devour-accessori...
Nickelodeon New Series 2016 http://newstrics.com/nickelodeon-new-series-2016/ Nickelodeon New Series 2016 http://newstrics.com/nickelodeon-new-series-20...
Nickelodeon Upfront: New for 2015 and 2016 http://newstrics.com/nickelodeon-upfront-new-for-2015-and-2016/ Nickelodeon Upfront: New for 2015 and 2016 http://newstrics.com/nickelodeon-upfront-new-for-2015-and-20...