Showing posts with label Singer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Singer. Show all posts

15 March, 2014

By dint of playing the perfect dolls, Taylor Swift was not exactly that friends in the world of show business . However, it is clear that the defects are far from legion among the undisputed queen of country: evidence is , it is as fresh as the dew that the star has been picked , Tuesday, Feb. 12 , at the airport in Los Angeles, a few minutes after his return from London .

Radiant , the pretty blonde has indeed displayed a perfect and a radiant complexion mine . Not a trace of fatigue and dark circles even less when Taylor Swift enquille ten hour flight , it seems to him neither more nor less than a good session with the beautician . But undoubtedly the new hairstyle of the singer of 24 years is it to do with this radiant appearance : Once is not custom, the star was tempted by a good pair of scissors . Bottom line , this is an invigorating square it now proudly .

It was during his time in London that the sparkling star has decided to change the head and , to the amusement of her friends Cara Delevingne and Ellie Goulding (with which it is offered an exceptional duo on stage ) look. The fairer sex is well placed to know each pass through the hands of hairdresser is also a thrilling experience qu'angoissante . Also proud of the courage of the singer, the infernal Cara drew his smartphone faster than his shadow to post a snapshot of the moment M on Instagram.

Also backstage at the show that gave Taylor Swift Tuesday, February 11 in the English capital is likely was another privileged witness . Some sources say indeed have identified a Harry Styles, twink One of the Executive Group and incidentally the former star. When you know that between the two , the case is rather poorly finished , we can not be surprised by this revelation. But according to the Daily Mail, the question is not really allowed: a backstage video shows indeed a young man who looks like two drops of water to the singer . The terrible lovers of pop would they come to bury the hatchet ?
Worse than a soap opera : the romance between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. The two icons of youth never cease to separate for better get back together. Further evidence of a flashback , the two artists were filmed in a rehearsal room , dancing so very sensual.

Justin Bieber posted , Monday, March 10, 2014 , on Instagram, two videos in which he could be seen dancing with Selena Gomez on the music of John Legend Ordinary People . If the videos are no longer visible on his behalf, they continue to circulate on the web and agitate Selenators well as Beliebers . We must say we never imagined that the two singers would get back together ( or even they reparleraient ) after the revelation of a conversation between Justin SMS ( boastful, as usual ) and Selena ( very angry receive photos of the sex of the performer Baby) . However, given the very sensual choreography which they lent in this video, undated but recent if one believes the tattoos on the body of the young man , alchemy is always present ...

A little love , that's what Justin Bieber needs , who faces various trials it does not seem to take seriously , whether in Miami for driving while intoxicated or in a case of Toronto aggression driver . Sunday, when he gave a quite small representation , he said at the microphone : "The next song is for my baby " before embarking As Long As You Love Me ..

Thomas Montet