25 October, 2013

New Information! Help on optimizing for the search engines to your website


Most internet users access web sites using search engines. For this reason, it is important to take effective measures to optimize the results lists of search engines (Search Engine Optimization (SEO)). The aim of these measures is to improve the position of your website in the ranking lists results of search engines such as Google, among others, to increase the chances that your website is found by potential users. This kind of question is frequently asked in our Knowledge Community . That is why we decided to give you all the important information on the subject of optimizing for search engines in this help topic.

Terms of optimization for search engines
How search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo work, etc.. ?

Search engines use many "robots" on the web that look and index all new website content (text, images , videos, etc. . ) . Important to know : these robots are particularly interested in the links and follow to reach the page behind them.

What does it mean for your website ? In addition to good content and links that feed your website, links contained on other sites and redirecting to yours are also very important . You should know that Google ranks websites linked appears on many other sites as particularly important. This affects the so-called " page -rank " ( ranking sites ) and on the position resulting in lists of search engine results .
In other words, many direct links from other websites, communities , portals , forums, etc. . are very positive for your search engine optimization measures.

Optimize your personal website :

When you start the optimization procedures for search engines, it is important to consider with what keywords potential visitors are accessing your website or what words they type into the search engine . For this purpose , put yourself in the place of the Internet and write keywords on paper. By using these keywords , write the contents of your website and pay attention to the changing combinations of terms.
Robots search engines treat your metadata such as title ( 60-70 characters) , description ( 150 characters) and tags (5 keywords max) to display your website when relevant research . These meta -tags should refer to the content of your website in a relevant way . Enter the combination of terms defined above .
For this purpose also use Internet Google Trend research service to check what keywords are being searched for on Google often in your area.

To enter meta tags for your web Flash created with Forum Website Maker , open the programmed in the "Settings " in the " More " menu and enter it your metadata .

In MAGIX Web Designer, you can add meta tags via " File> Publish > Web Site site."
In addition to metadata , equip your navigation module relevant designations .

Note: despite the Flash ® technology used in Website Maker , we have scheduled a specific solution with which the search engines can "read" all the pages and their content. The contents of a file * . Xml will be deposited in the Flash object so that the search engine can find and process the content .
You certainly do not know how important it is to have its own domain. Google believes to be very important in a domain that contains the name of keywords often seized and for your website. The age of the domain also plays a big role. For this reason , we recommend that you create a domain and have a little patience. Improvement does not happen overnight .
Search engines are constantly looking for new and current top content .
Do not forget to write from time to time new text for your web page.
It is best to create a Web blog.
You can get good results with optimization including HTML editors. Repeat keywords defined above in H1, H2 and H3 titles . Also describe the graphics in the ALT attribute of the "IMG" tag .
Integrate the function "Recommend" to your website . Thus , visitors to your site can make it known to their friends. The ideal is to succeed in creating a "snowball " effect. An object "Recommend" Ready is available in the "Other" category of object manager MAGIX Website Maker
The catalog of websites MAGIX can categorize your site so that search engines can index it. In MAGIX Website Maker , go to "Settings" via the "More" menu : you can place your website in the catalog of sites. Thus , your web site is accessible by search engines and other users.

Configure back-links (links back) from other websites, communities, blogs, web catalogs, forums, etc..

 Keep in mind the importance of backlinks . Google considers as very important the links on other websites and redirecting to yours.
Blogs are also essential and very important. Search engines take into account the contents of blogs as very current and index them quickly . Create a blog for you, for example Wordpress , Blogger Blog , etc. . ! Write about it daily a small text file containing a link to your website.
Create your profile on busy communities such as Facebook , Myspace , etc. .. Flaunt them information about your website and insert links to it. Do not forget to accept many friends in these profiles to help them discover your site.
Contact via Twitter by posting current information and links about your website. Twitter's success will certainly get growing in the coming years. The results will be increasingly integrated into search engines.
Come up with exciting about your website or on similar themes Web videos and publish them on Youtube.com and other video portals like myvideo , vimeo.com , etc. .
Tip! MAGIX Movie Edit Pro is a great software to create videos .
Post the address of your website in forums and participate in them actively .
In addition, it is also advisable to place your website directly from search engines: Google to see http://www.google.com/addurl or web catalogs such as www.dmoz.org .

Bookmarking social :

Social bookmarks are favorite web addresses and other Internet users can save and share them. Thus, the website can best be sought and found. The robots of search engines also roam these online services. There are many suppliers in which you can store your Web site, for example
The site http://www.addthis.com book an excellent overview of all these suppliers.

Friends & family

Your circle of friends is an excellent special opportunity to let you know. Convince your friends to include from time to time the URL of your site on their Web pages, their blogs, their profiles in various web communities. Simplify their work by preparing them and sending them text, links included.

Your checklist for optimization procedures for search engines

  1. Find suitable keywords for your website.
  2. Enter a title, description and tags for your personal page.
  3. Harmonize your metadata with the content of your page.
  4. Register a domain whose name contains the important keywords.
  5. Write regularly blogs in which are links to your website and share them with other users on Twitter.com.
  6. Post your web page on other sites, forums, communities, blogs, etc..
  7. Register your website with search engines, catalogs and Web directories.
  8. Create profiles in communities such as Facebook and expand your circle of friends.
  9. Convince your friends to place links to your website in their personal pages and blogs.

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