Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

22 November, 2015

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Real Madrid soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo has signed a personal endorsement deal with European multinational telecoms firm Altice.
Altice, led by French-Israeli businessman Patrick Drahi, announced an exceptional partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo, World Footballer of the Year and Captain of Real Madrid, the Portuguese National team, for all of its brands and on all its territories.

Altice Coca-Cola CR7 Cristiano Ronaldo Emirates. Konami Nike Real MadridSports

03 October, 2015

Samsung thinks about tongue controls for smartphones Saqibsomal

A new patent from Samsung Samsung describes the Vision Sensor. This sensor uses side catches on the phone and tongue movements to control a smartphone.
The patent was discovered by Patently Apple.
Samsung describes how holding a camera or other type of image sensor, a user watched. A depth sensor can then see how close a face. This makes it possible to stabbing out of the tongue in order to operate the smart phone interface.
The tongue control is one of the possibilities that describes Samsung. Another option is to tilt the smartphone, wherein the sensor on the basis of the face will be aware if this happens.
The Samsung Vision Sensor control ensures that a smart phone without hands to operate. This is ideal for Samsung as a user such as a cup of coffee is fixed.
Apple, Samsung - #Apple, #Samsung
Apple Samsung Tech

Google and Microsoft lay patents quarrel with Saqibsomal

Google and Microsoft have settled their feud over patents. This has put an end to about twenty lawsuits in the United States and Germany.
That the two companies said Wednesday in a statement, reported news agency Bloomberg.
Google and Microsoft have promised to drop lawsuits and to collaborate more. The two companies have been some five years in infighting over patents for technological innovations.
In 2010, Microsoft filed a lawsuit against Google. According to the software giant Google had in the Android operating system uses technology that Microsoft had pantenten on.
Motorola Mobility, a former branch of Google, tried on his time through a hallway to the right to receive royalties from Microsoft. Who would have used in the game console X-Box patented technology.
Motorola demanded according to Microsoft four billion dollars (3.58 billion euros) per year.
Microsoft and Google now say working together in the field of intellectual property. This includes going to develop royalty-free technology for video compression, so downloading can go faster. Netflix and Amazon are also involved in it.
They also want Europe to lobby for rules for a universal patent system.
Google and Microsoft, Google News - #GoogleAndMicrosoft, #GoogleNews
Google and Microsoft Google News Tech

Snapchat allows advertisers advertise in selfies Saqibsomal

Snap Chat is working on a way to let advertisers advertising on the selfies of its users.
The reported Financial Times Friday according to insiders.
Last month, Snap Chat already introduced a new feature that makes it possible to place stickers over a moving selfie it. For example, it is possible to let flow a moving rainbow out of your mouth.
Snap Chat now would also come with sponsored stickers. Snap Chat would design the animations themselves on behalf of the brand. There would have been great interest in the role from Hollywood. The feature would be introduced during Halloween in late October.
During “peak days”, such as holidays, Snap Chat to $ 750,000 would ask for a sponsored sticker. During normal days the service would be asking for $ 450,000.
Snap Chat sees its number of users is still increasing, but running according to insiders substantial loss. The app is otherwise only started in October 2014 with the launch of products that generate revenue, such as advertising. Before that time, the app no ​​clear revenue model.
Snapchat, Snapchat selfies - #Snapchat, #SnapchatSelfies
Snapchat Snapchat selfies Software

26 September, 2015

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Microsoft has accidentally Windows 10 Mobile update for some users. Officially, Microsoft did not release the update, because there could be a bug.
This report WinBeta. The beta for Windows Mobile is available for 10 participants from the Insider program.
Microsoft decided at the last minute not to bring the new beta with build number 10 536. There was a bug found making subsequent updates can not be installed.
The beta update was in spite of the delay made available to a select few smartphones from beta testers. In a notification received was referred to the update, which could be simply installed.
Windows Mobile 10 beta includes a new 10 536 zStorage app. In addition, the mobile hotspot should now work correctly.
Windows 10 Windows Mobile 10 OS