Bradley Cooper Sued French Magazine ‘Oops’
- #BradleyCooper, #IrinaShayk, #IrinaShaykBradleyCooper #CelebrityActor Bradley Cooper has decided to press charges against the French magazine Oops! follows an article detailing his relationship with model Irina Shayk.The couple was spotted together at a Broadway play in April, and photos were taken while they were kissing passionately on the streets of New York in early May.These photos have yet been around the world, but Bradley Cooper attacked the French magazine writing an article on May 28 under the love openly .In papers filed with the court in France, the actor stressed that he never spoke publicly about his relationship with Irina Shayk, and therefore the magazine Oops! violates the rights of his “private life”.Bradley Cooper asks $ 11,000 in damages, but the editor of Oops! says he has done nothing wrong because Article refers only photos of the couple, which had already been published in Spain and the United States.
- Bradley Cooper
- Bradley Cooper
- Bradley Cooper
- Bradley Cooper
- Irina Shayk Bradley Cooper
- Irina Shayk Bradley Cooper
- Irina Shayk Bradley Cooper
- Irina Shayk Bradley Cooper
- Irina Shayk
- Irina Shayk
- Irina Shayk
- Irina Shayk
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