25 October, 2013

5 SEO tips to optimize your placement in search engines

Recently, I read the guide focuses on SEOmoz SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and is very useful for any tourist wanting to properly position the company website in the search engines. So I wanted to share with you some of the tips here because very little business in the tourism industry know what is SEO, what are the basic optimization techniques and why it is essential to use from a strategic point of view.

What is SEO?

First, before you start , what is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is actually a set of technique that optimizes the natural or organic SEO of a website on search engines. The objective here is to position or index the site in search engines by keywords corresponding to some of the main themes site. For example, the tourist office in Hawaii , it would be well positioned on keywords such as "tourism Hawaii ", " Hawaii travel ", "vacation Hawaii" , etc. . and a multitude of variants and derivatives of these keywords directly related to the content of the site.
By natural or organic SEO means search results that are naturally displayed by the search engine after a request and not the links sponsoriés which is most of the time to the right of the screen. Also here is a picture that I used in a previous post permenttant better understand what SEO versus SEM . The results outlined in red are paid (SEM ), while those appearing at the bottom come from natural or organic (SEO ) .

How to use SEO techniques can help your tourism business to perform better ?

Now that you know what SEO, it is important to know what these optimization techniques can help your tourism business to perform better according to your business goals. Indeed , what are the benefits of investing in SEO for your business?
Knowing that 74% of Internet users use a search engine to find their stay online [ Journal du Net ] , one understands how the use of SEO techniques can help you generate leads and sales on your site or simply increase your reputation or your brand . According to a recent study by JupiterResearch and NPD Group , 70% of Internet users will consult the first page of search results. This percentage drops to 17 % for the second page of results , 7 % for the first three pages and only 8 % for 3 or more pages . In an age where 50% of Internet users book their travel online , now we see the importance of our position in the first page of results on the search engines for some strategic keywords that you have previously determined using an analysis of our website and those of competitors .

5 SEO tips to optimize your placement in search engines

Now for 5 SEO tips to help you better index your site in search engines . Far from being a comprehensive guide ( SEO is a very complex discipline and constantly evolving ) , 5 these techniques can help you make some small changes to your site so that it is better position in search engines .
Do not aim the first page of results with these techniques because SEO techniques take time to bear fruit and techniques represent only a small part of what can be done in terms of SEO . Hire a SEO expert can be a very cost-effective solution for any business wanting to position themselves . Moreover, according to the firm eMarketer , marketing managers in the United States has to spend 19.3 % of their budget to SEO search engine , while this percentage is expected to rise to 22.8% in 2011. Here are five SEO techniques at the structure of your website:

1 . Structure your URL correctly

It is important to structure the URL of your site so that search engine spiders index them faster and easier. Indeed, if you are the tourist office in Hawaii and you have 3 main section in your site Explore , Learn and Plan , it is important that the URL of each page of these subcategories is well structured according to these categories. For example, Hawaiian Culture page is part of the Explore category and its URL should be structured to reflect this categorization. An example URL would be http://www.gohawaii.com/about_hawaii/explore/culture_of_hawaii not http://www.gohawaii.com/culture_of_hawaii .

2 . Rewrite your URL

A mistake often made ​​in certain website is seeing written this way URL: http://www.gohawaii.com/1136_fr?900_ % 76.html . This writing does nothing indexing your pages in search engines. It is better to write your URL using the title of your page or keywords very specific and relevant to the content of your page , such as: http://www.gohawaii.com/about_hawaii/explore/find_adventure_in_hawaii . Thus, it is understood that this is a page on the adventure in Hawaii and search engines index your pages more easily activities. You can use a Mod_rewrite module to optimize writing your URL easily.

3 . Add content and update your site frequently

Another easy way to improve the indexing of your pages is way to update your site frequently . The higher your site will be updated often , more search engines tend to index it to a higher level . Indeed , the engines give more value to the recent content that the content has not been changed for a long time and that's why you win advantage to frequently update your site. Having a business blog is a good way to make sure you have the latest content and frequently updated to index your site. User comments and notes written on a frequent basis provide new content for search engines (provided of course maintain your blog and add content ;) ) .

4 . Avoid duplication of content

Another SEO technique to follow is to avoid duplication of your content. In fact, search engines penalize sites that have duplicate content and do not know the difference between the original content and duplicate content. It is therefore important to ensure that your content is not reflected fully in another place on the web or you do not have two identical pages ( for example, your old domain and your new domain name) . CopyScape The site can also help you find duplicate content for your website .

5. Make sure you have quality links pointing to our site

A common belief about SEO is that important for a website is to have the largest number of links pointing to our site to be well indexed by search engines. Note that this is false. What is important is not the quantity of links pointing to your site, but the quality of those links . By quality , we mean a number of factors including the age of the domain name, the credibility of the site in search engines , its page rank, etc. . In short , make sure to partner links with quality websites that are credible to search engines and not just target the quantity of links .
In short, this is a appercu SEO techniques . For more information , you can visit Positionnermonsite.ca site that gives you valuable tips to optimize your site for search engines. On your side, as a tourist company, you invest now in SEO ? If not , consider yourself to invest a portion of your marketing budget shortly ? Hope to hear from you and the next post !
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