25 October, 2013

The Senate wants to tackle "the whole chain" responsibilities for tax evasion. Chain including companies that are advertising for fraudulent investments , but also employees repented . An incentive to invest in the real economy.

The proposals of Senator Eric Bouquet, Senator CRAG North , Rapporteur of the Commission of Inquiry, and Francois Pellet , Dear Senator UMP aim to improve governance controls at all levels for more accountability and transparency . The flagship proposal ensures adequate protection of whistle blowers by a protected employee status .

" There are still gray areas "
Also , the report recommends the creation of a specific offense of incitement to tax evasion including in particular the suppression of solicitation and advertising for tax avoidance devices . Senators also proposed to "reflect " on the establishment of dams on the internet to "restrict public access to commercial sites offering packages of tax evasion " or opening accounts in tax havens .

The 34 proposals adopted "unanimously " concern both the reinforcement of the tax administration, and treatment reduced for fraudsters . They must commit to reinvest in France , capital carpet in tax havens. But also on the establishment of a "register of international trusts " terrible tool opacity. Eric Bouquet said : "Transparency is not to go , there are still gray areas that the International Criminal Court is not able to raise . We are on a job site , the work began but the subject is immense . "

" A citizen intervention" is necessary to establish the political dimension of the issue. "I do not believe for a moment that this is not possible," he says . "The policy should take control , states are paralyzed , is this paralysis that must be fought ." Citing the lack of transparency in Europe , he said brawler : "What has been built can be deconstructed by pedagogy. Europe must stop being schizophrenic and harmonize. But above all unite and proceed to political acts .

" 25 years needed "
Eric Bocquet impatient , the usual six -month study of the report, "it is much too long ." Besides the " 25 years needed to regularize the records ," he says . The report is " in point of suspension" in the image of the Pierre - Condamin Gerbier who denounced the methods of fiscal opacity. The findings are still pending , but François Pillet , insists that " people are interviewed under oath. So they may incur penalties that apply to perjury . " Slow progress, while the banker Reyl & Co. bank, involves " between twelve and fifteen French politicians , including ministers of the current and the previous majority.

Since 2013 , beyond the statements , the situation is bitter, nothing has been established, continues to grow. But the climate has changed , parliamentarians, NGOs and investigative journalists have started work , an " inexhaustible subject ." The citizen movement will impose its demands to the French parliament, true federation tool to fight tax evasion . The bill should become law. If the law must be effective, it seems postponed indefinitely .


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