25 October, 2013

Our commitment to improving our practice management weight loss includes constant review of new research as well as the revision of our own articles on related topics .

We hope that these articles and research will be helpful. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in other topics in particular.

Daily menu plan improves weight loss
A new study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine ( American Journal of Preventive Medicine ) showed that record what you eat can help double your weight loss .
»Read the summary of the study

Personal consultations help to maintain weight loss
A new study has shown that when people have personal meetings with a counselor in weight loss, they maintain more easily their weight loss if they do not receive any meeting .
»Read the summary of the study

The maintenance is important for weight loss
Research suggests that maintenance treatment helps to ensure that the weight lost will not be repeated .
»Read the summary of the study

Pedometers motivate people to walk more
A new study has shown that people who like to walk to lose weight and improve their health achieve better results when using a pedometer.
»Read the summary of the study

Weight loss and youth
The rate of childhood obesity is growing. What can you do to make your child do with a statistic ? It's simple ... and natural.
»Read the article

Sleep factor
Tired of feeling tired ? Treat your sleep may be the key to feeling better.
»Read the article

Treat PMS naturally
We investigated the causes of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) , and we offer natural treatment options.
»Read the article

The importance of calcium and vitamin D
Make sure you eat enough to be healthy.
»Read the article


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