09 November, 2013

Thin weight lossWant to lose weight but you can not go on a diet?

Following these tips will not have to worry about dietsor stop eating, are a few simple tricks that can help.
1. Dilute the juice.  Rather than take a regular juice, put half water to dilute.Can reduce up to 85 calories per cup.
Two. Use the cordless phone.  When you talk on the phone, instead of lying down watching TV, get to do laundry (68 cal.), set the table (85 cal.), watering plants (102 cal.), etc..
Three. Chew gum.  been found to be chewing sugarless gum all day helps raise your metabolism by 20%.
April. Pay for candy given away.  If somebody gives you a sweet, put a coin 10 céntimoss in a boat, then give that money to someone in need. It'll cost more to take candy "given away" when in fact you are paying a price for them.
May. Study the wrapper.  At first it seems that a sweet or chocolate has for example 200 calories, but if you look closely, almost everyone brings two parts, then you have twice as many calories.
June. Take green tea before exercise.  The caffeine frees fatty acids, making you burn fat faster. And the antioxidants in tea, along with caffeine, help you burn calories faster. (If you have high blood pressure, it is good that you take).
July. Avoid diet shakes.  temporarily only save calories, because then whatever you get hungry and eat more.
August. Dinner at home . Dining in restaurants five or more days a week can make you gain weight (at least eat 300 calories more per day).
9. Replace butter.  Put olive oil on bread instead of butter, is healthier and takes away a little hungry, so you eat less.
10. Use flaxseed powder.  Flaxseed is high in fiber, helps to fill you faster and cut calories.
11. Low calorie dressing (20 cal., And 1.5 g. Grease).  Mixing a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, ¼ teaspoon of olive oil and ¾ teaspoon of mustard.
12. Become a blood test.  One in 12 women (most do not know) have a thyroid problem, which can cause your metabolism to slow.
13. Drink lots of water.  much more water you take, the better for your body, plus it fills your stomach and takes away a little hungry.
14. Trick your taste buds.  Suck a mint or eucalyptus can help you remove cravings.
15. Season your meals.  much spicy Use your meals can help you stop eating sooner.
16. Take a white cocktail.  Like water, low fat milk fills your stomach, as it also contains carbohydrates, makes you eat less.
17. Salad in pieces.  Cuts pieces of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, etc., into chunks (instead of grate or cut small), you more trouble chewing large pieces, then it is more likely to chew more and eat less.
18. Talk on the phone to a friend.  fills the moments of doing nothing with talks, not cookies.
19. Aim what you eat.  Write what you eat can help you have more control, does not have to be super accurate, but writing helps more or less know what you've eaten during the day and control you.
20.Mueve the body.  Climbing stairs, do some sports, outdoor walks, walking to work, etc, does burn calories. Exercise is healthy, free and has many advantages. 
21. Hide the remote control.  Easily can burn 200 extra calories a day if you stop using the controls and do everything by hand (change of the TV, put a movie, open the door of your garage, open a can, etc).
22. Use cooking spray . For salads, chicken, fish or pastes used to spray oil, preferably olive oil. A 2-second spray oil (spray) distributes approximately ½ teaspoon of oil, compared with the 2 or 3 three would have to make if you do not spray it. This saves you about 100 calories.
23. Buy in small portions.  Among larger the package the food you buy, the more you eat.
24. Practice intervals.  Whether you are out jogging, increase your speed on the last lap. This helps you burn more calories without lengthening the time you exercise. It also helps strengthen your muscles and bones.
25. Measures the amount of food.  's very easy to pass the hand you eat, for example, pasta. So before you start eating, measure the quantity of what you eat, so you do not overeat.
26. Rent a scary movie.  When you are afraid, it's natural that you remove or give you less hungry. And when you're happy or angry, usually gives you more hungry.
27. It reflects your choices . Look in a mirror while you're eating, this of help you consume from 22 to 32% less.
28. Drop and do 10.  till you open the can of snow or chocolate in your hand, set it aside and do 10 sit ups or crunches. It is very likely that you do sprints and more or until you forget what you were going to eat.
29. Smell the food.  When you crave a lot about just making cookies at home, try this: Focus on the scent for about 30 seconds, then place a small piece at the tip of the tongue for another 30. Savor the aroma and flavor can help you not eat more than one cookie.
30. As soup with chunks of vegetables.  If you eat soup with large pieces of vegetables, you get tired and you get full faster than if you eat a cream of something soup or without pieces.
31. Absorb fat.  With a paper towel can get rid of almost a teaspoon of oil (or 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat), two pieces of pizza.
32. Eat foods "heavy."  calories and grams of fat in the food is not what fills you up, but the weight of the food. Eat less and feel satisfied with heavy foods but low in calories (oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, cooked spinach, broccoli, etc).
33. Opt for fish.  The different varieties of fish are rich in omega-3 (fatty acids) that can help you burn calories by doing work your metabolism . People who diet to lose weight which includes fish, lose 20% more weight than those who do not fish diet.
34. Inspirations.  If you bring a good rhythm of eating healthy food and not want out, you can put little signs in different places in your home (including refrigerator and pantry) with messages like: " Nothing tastes better than the feeling of being thin " , "Do not be overcome by a simple cookie."
35. Add the water you take half a lemon and a little stevia . 'll have a drink healthy and beneficial. 'll Add antioxidants to help you with your detoxification. Furthermore, l to dehydration 3% can alter the functioning of metabolism. You should drink plenty of fluids, but healthy.


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