06 November, 2013

If we are beginning the physical exercise, to reach the abdominal area must begin with the easiest, so let us continue with these exercises, because if we start with the hardest quickly try to leave this good habit is the practice of exercise. This helps not only to improve our image but also to improve overall health.
After the first part of the exercises, which must be aerobics because with them we lose stored fat, standing start without any banking or other attachment, bend your knees slightly and will make trunk flexion to both sides, alternating movement. If you place your hands behind your head, try to play with the knee bends, this exercise works the oblique muscles and allow gradually eliminate the accumulated fat around the waist.
In this same position, hands on waist, we will twist the torso to one side to another, we can repeat the exercise stretching both arms to the side where we do the twist.
A classic abdominal exercise from the standing position, extend arms up and down to the ground.
In the same position but will do a similar exercise lifting alternating legs to an angle of 45 degrees and hands touch your toes.
We perform each of these exercises at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions, remembering always maintain good posture and focus to keep the abdomen contracted, it is essential to achieve a good result. Always remember not to hold your breath while practicing these exercises, you should always breathe keeping the rhythm of your breath.
These simple but useful exercises you can practice in the small space inside your home.
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