05 November, 2013

Adsense Tricks

Google AdsenseAfter talking with my friend Cyberbloggero about how to cheat Adsense improve I had to research and read about it to understand better why some earn more than others with this advertising system.
Though the topic is extensive also applies to differently for each case, but there are general aspects that serve everybody. So if you have a blog and you wonder why no one clicks on your ads you should try these tricks Adsense making these simple changes:

Size Matters

A big mistake when choosing the size of the ads is to choose the rectangle of 468 x 60, people and places this size visually as an advertisement and flees from him. The size has proven more clicks generated is 336 x 280 and 300 x 250, respectively.

Eliminates the edges

As mentioned above, people flee ads, they come to your blog to read the content not to see ads, so if you remove the edges are eliminating the ad design and makes it look like it is part of the content.

Change the color of the letters

It became clear that Adsense should camouflaged with the content, so to do part of it, changes the color of the listing description and the URL to the same color you use in the text of the blog. Similarly ensures that the font of the advert is the same you use in your posts. Making these changes can increase by 25% the number of clicks.

Blue has not gone out of fashion

What do you think if you go on the road and you see a red sign? In STOP??
What do you think if you see a blue text? ! click to give!
This is called association and works perfect in marketing. That is why the color of the links recommended ads in blue (# 0000FF), or use the same color you use for post titles.

Watch the background color

If the ads you post within ideally the bottom of the ad is equal to the background color you use in the post. On the contrary if your ads are out of the post is to use a background color that harmonizes with the rest of the blog, but using subtle contrasting colors to catch the attention of the visitor.

The best place for ads

Google has posted some time ago "hot spots" of a website, what you're supposed to be the areas that see the reader and therefore better would be located where the ads.

Heat map
Hot spots for a traditional web

Heat map
Hot spots for blogs

The stronger colors represent the best places are the ads. However, not all pages have these templates so you can discover yourself where your visitors are more doing your own tests.

As I said, people do not go to blogs looking for just click on the ads, enters looking for information and entertainment so if you manage to publish quality content will have more visitors and therefore more chance of clicks on ads. Try it costs nothing, so if your Adsense earnings are not proving what you wanted you should win, then try with these simple tricks that many people have worked and startmaking money online
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