06 November, 2013

The abdomen of a person can be divided into three parts for the purpose of making sit-ups and crunches. The ABS is classified as upper abs, lower abs and obliques.Crunch exercises helps in the formation of the Abs and strengthen abdominal muscles.

Upper Abs

To tone the upper abs abdominal everyone should start from the basic level before taking more crunches or sit-intense forms.
The starting position for this exercise should be lying on his back, while his knees are bent and feet flat on the floor and nothing is hanging in the air. Keep the upper body relaxed and hands should be recessed into the back of his head.
To tone the upper abs, shrinks the top of your abdomen is, the upper abs. As your abs start to curl the sternum should be directed at the navel so that the body is straight or it may be damaged in the process.
Arriving midway between the floor and the knees, Relax your torso and start back to the starting position slowly and steadily. Repeat, Do these crunches in small groups with a break of 45 seconds in straight sets.
This method is not the abdominal crunch exercise that targets the creation of the Abs While this exercise will help to tone the abdominal muscles and the rest of the body so it can perform more intense techniques for abdominal crunch.
By doing this exercise brings one of his hands on the back of the place and abdomen to really feel the muscles contract and relax.
By placing hands under the chest help focus muscle contraction, as it helps the brain to focus more. Abdominal Crunch Exercise should be done carefully and very carefully.
By doing this exercise, make sure your lower back stays on the floor the entire time of the crisis and not actually end up doing a sit as the type of exercise they focus more on hip flexor abdomen.
Make sure you do not start to bounce your body off the ground to do it quickly.Your head should be very still and chin should touch the chest at all times, try to focus your eyes on the navel so that the head is still.
A common perception that there is not much difference between a sitting and abdominal crunches is absolutely wrong, Sit not exercise for abs and are not recommended for the purpose. It is the main cause of the high incidence of low back injuries when abdominal toning.
The limited movement area abdominal crunches is a short coming of exercise.Greater movement can be achieved when using advanced type of techniques.
To move to the more advanced techniques that your have to go to the flat surfaces of the inclined surface to rest your technical crises back.A decline should be used in which the surface is tilted from the head to the legs.

Lower Abs

To tone the lower abs you should start with the basic technique of reverse crunching.First should lie down on his back as the same way you would while doing a crunch abs, Bend your knees and keep them in the air about six inches from the ground. Keep your hands behind your head, as when doing a contraction of the abdomen.
Image Credit: criticalbench.com
Keep your feet near the hips and tighten your lower abdominal slowly bringing your knees to your chest and lift your ass off the ground. Make sure the hinge of any point just above the pelvis and hips not otherwise not have the requisite effect.
Once your body curled up like a ball of muscles start relaxing putting your feet in the starting position. Do this in small groups with a break of about 45 seconds between consecutive series.
By doing this exercise, make sure you breathe when you start our legs curl toward your chest and breathe as you bring your legs to the starting position.The same technique should be one in a flat inclined to increase the intensity. The incline must be from head to legs.
Other techniques for more intense lower abdominal crunches are hanging leg lift and Swiss ball leg lift.This technique sounds very easy to do, but in reality it is not.
When the lower abs is isolated properly, which in itself is a very difficult task, but once they are isolated they fatigue quickly. You can feel the pain in the lower abdomen faster than doing upper abdominals.


Oblique muscles are present at the sides of the torso. These muscles are relatively more difficult to tone upper and lower abdominal muscles. To start toning these muscles lay on your back and keep your knees bent as it does when doing a standard crunch.
Put both feet firmly on the ground with the left hand on the side of the head and the right hand on the left side of the abdomen. Consider both legs as a unit and let them fall to the right. The head and chest should be facing the ceiling all the time.
Begin by contracting the muscles creak hip chest to look up, after completing a set not the other set, keeping your knees and torso to the other side.
Remember to exhale as you begin to crack his chest to hip and breathe when you return to your starting position. Make sure to do this exercise you face the ceiling and not in the direction of the knees.
This exercise and the technique is very solid, although a basic oblique exercise, but this requires focused intensity. To increase the intensity of the exercise you can try this exercise on the swiss ball or the Roman chair.
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