In the constant innovation comes Jukari fitness, Fit to Fly a new fitness system, born from the conjunction of Reebok with Cirque du Soleil to work physically, lose weight, build muscle and become more flexible while flying hanging of a trapezoid.
Fat weight is lost through heat balance and the systematic and regular physical activity , whatever it. What you should keep in mind is that the muscles that are exercised are those who possess large muscle mass , such as the legs, buttocks, chest and back, and you ensure a high caloric expenditure . In that sense, the Jukari, Fit to Fly , is a new form of fitness that works primarily in force, with some intensive activities, so it is an effective way to lose weight and achieve a good way . using the techniques and movements of the circus , the Jukari, Fit to Fly utilizes the trapeze as the only element to train and perform a physical exercise routine , combining circus gestures with the principles of sport training. The result is a fun activity , and no less stringent than profoundly stimulates all the muscles , especially the chest, back, middle (core abdominal) and arms. Jukari A session lasts 60 minutes and consists of a sequence of exercises on a trapeze called " flyset"hanging from the ceiling on a pivot that allows you to spin 360 degrees. 's activities focus on jumping and hang in various ways on the 'flyset', which causes a huge amount of calories burned , with figures far outweigh any aerobic activity in the same unit of time.
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