06 November, 2013

West Nile Virus foreign name "West Nile Virus" is referred to by name. Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey, which are found in Iraq after the virus, not only people, birds, horses and mosquitoes can carry disease from infected. Infected mosquito bites two people in Manisa, Turkey, and then lost their lives as a result of this disease has caused some concern. This virus is the most in Africa, West Asia and the Middle East in recent years seen in the United States and Bulgaria, and Georgia, in countries such as Iraq, the most common mosquitoes infected with the virus emerged and were expressed. This is a very warm and the virus is spreading in the spring.
Understand the correct transmission of the virus. This virus, human or animal canno home. Prof. blood transfusions even bulaşmadığını. Dr. Salih Türkoğlu'da report. First symptoms of this disease 'West Nile fever' symptoms Bati_nil_virusare seen. These include skin rash, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the back and the muscles as common symptoms. 3 and 14 days after the mosquito bitten Symptoms emsela begins and takes 3 to 6 days. Some individuals may be seriously ill from the sudden high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, confusion, tremors, and muscle twitching hands, money order, coma, muscle weakness or partial paralysis and other symptoms may occur. These symptoms can last for weeks. In rare cases, "encephalitis" or "meningitis" can lead to permanent damage of the brain called the statements occurs, and they are explained by experts. Mild symptoms occur, to heal in a few days without treatment. More severe disease with intravenous fluid therapy support can be given in the hospital.
On the other hand, Sakarya Veterinary Chamber President Mustafa Yildiz, transmitted by mosquitoes and people infected with West Nile virus, tick pesticide to fight against the use of drugs should be avoided as unnecessary, he said. Underlining the protection of children in care contact with bugs and flies medications Stars, "Children THERE SHOULD be a lot of insect repellent lotions. These lotions should be used only when necessary. Ilaçlandığında do also ventilate your home against flies." he spoke.

Apply the following items in order to fight this virus:

mosquitoMeasures against fly
  • Mosquitoes feed on birds, all kinds of uses in the "stagnant" Try to stay away from water. (Holding flowers waters, havuzlaşmış waters, old car tires, they be fed mosquitoes / barınabildiği places.)
  • Secure by reviewing the mosquito.
  • Sunrise and sunset times and in the evening hours immediately after dark should stay indoors, this time off as much as possible out of the clothes should be worn when exiting.
  • Away mosquito repellants should be used.

west_nile_virus_sablonPrecautions for West Nile Virus
  • Mainly eating fruits and vegetables in season
  • Extra virgin olive oil in salads and dishes do use every day. Even at bedtime drink mixed with half a cup of lemon will run the body's immune system.
  • A cup of boiling water in the morning after taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to drink while placed and warm.
  • All kinds of acidic drinks and caffeinated beverages should be avoided all kinds (cola, soda, black tea and coffee).
  • Provided that each day on an empty stomach or black raisins core recommended to be consumed between meals.


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